AFA creators super fest

I’m trying to get into the habit of blogging, so you will be seeing some new posts featuring events that have already passed. I’m hoping that I can look back on these posts fondly and reminisce the journey so far!

AFA CSF 2024 was pretty crazy. This year is its second run. I have tabled at this event last year as well and I didn’t have much expectations since based on past year’s experience. Like last year, I had a premium creators lot, with a 1.2m by 60cm table. Last year, I was sharing half the table with my boothmate, wheeskars. This year, we have both gone independent and have tabled separately since. As this event is a rerun for me, I could clearly see how much my set up has become prettier and more refined. This evidence of growth has brought me a lot of joy. I will leave pictures so you can compare the set ups too :D

I was able to set up in advance on Friday, so I made my way down to Singapore Expo in the afternoon. On the way, I crashed my cart for the second time in my life 😅 It just goes to show that I was trying to carry way too many things. I probably won’t be able to bring my items to events without help anymore. The venue did not turn on the air conditioning on the set up day. I see many exhibitors have already commented on this. It was really stuffy and hot. I saw that some exhibitors had to get out frequently for some air. We were all sweating like mad and trying to set up as fast as we can. Unlike last year, I prepared intensely for the event this time and was able to fill the back wall with prints, making it more lively. After running out of masking tape, I quickly left the venue. (and I had an enjoyable Chirashi Don at jewel for dinner)

Saturday morning, armed with more masking tapes I finished setting up my booth. Some of my prints fell off the wall and I was able to secure them with more tape. After set up was completed, I toured the area leisurely and visited my friends who were also exhibitors. My helpers came soon after. I brought them in and handed them the exhibitor tags. This year, Infold had a booth at the event as well. As fans of Love and Deepspace, we wanted to redeem the freebies. Unfortunately, it was a huge mess. I was not willing to waste too much time and effort just for those files and badges so I gave up trying to collect anything. Later, I heard a lot from friends who were full of fighting spirits and also saw their battle loots.

From 11 am onwards, things started to go crazy. Due to the Infold booth, there was a flood of Love and Deepspace fans. My helpers and I were completely unprepared for the huge crowd. Things went by in a blur and we sold out on the flowers gacha at 12-1pm. Since then, we started selling future invisible merchandise… As a result I accumulated a long list of pre-orders that I had to fulfil either by mailing or for collection on the second day. Although I say this, it actually isn’t that much 😌As a timid person, I usually only print 1-3 copies per design / item. This is usually more than enough.

After working hard at the booth for a day, I bid farewell to my helpers. Instead of having dinner out, I had to rush home so I could print and cut enough merchandise for the day 2 collections as well as for normal sales. I printed…. I cut… I printed… I cut…. I packed the pre-orders…. rinse and repeat. I did not sleep for the whole night. There was not enough time to get everything done. I was tired, so I kept making mistakes and wasting my materials. The next day I took whatever I had printed and 2 scissors and went to the event. My grand plan was to get help from my exhibitor friends to cut stickers for me 😊 Thank you wheeskars and soberty!

I was dead after everything. After making a few customers annoyed due to my non-functioning brain, I pushed all boothing duties to my two helpers and comfortably rested at the back of the booth. As usual, day 2 was way more chill compared to day 1. I even had the time to go out and stroll. I’m really thankful for my 2 helpers for taking care of my booth! I can’t imagine what would happen if I was the only one at booth 😭As we were too busy and tired on the first day to remember to take a selfie, we made sure to take one on the second day. After the event ended, they went to the Infold booth and started taking selfies and videos like mad. Unfortunately, I’m really tired. So I bid an early farewell and went home.

Thanks to the blessing of the Infold booth, this is actually the first time I was able to make a profit in my boothing career. I look forward to future breakthroughs!




Doujinfes Khatib